Mosiah 2:41

"And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it."

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Be kind, please rewind! Part 3

*** A forewarning, this post is not quite finished. Actually, it's not even close to being finished! I'm going to come back to it to finish the blurps for the last pictures. What it boils down to is we had a very FULL vacation. What you will see below is the last third of the trip- probably the fullest part of the trip. We did a ton of stuff in just a few days! Some of it I don't even have pictures of! I think this vacation is going to turn out to be three different post. Part 1, 2, 3. And I'm going backwards, so this is part 3. Man! I think I'm making this harder than it should be! Oh well! No turning back now!! Feel free to read on or wait till it's done!***

Morgan and I went to San Francisco with Aunt Fay, Uncle Bob, Jeremy and Tanna and kids: Sydney, Keegan, Evan and Austin. The weather was great, considering it was December! We walked the Golden Gate Bridge, went to the Presidio, ate ice cream at Ghirardelli Square, and rode the Cable Cars. The next(?) day we went to Montera and the harbor. What a fun day we had! Thanks Aunt Fay and Uncle Bob for the fun and adventures!

This is where Uncle Bob's dad is buried. We took flowers for his late birthday!
I love cemeteries. They are so peaceful and I love reading the inscriptions on the headstones about their life... imagining what they went through when they were alive. Especially in this cemetery- it is dedicated to soldiers. All the heroes who have fought for the freedoms we enjoy in this country. Thank you to all who have fought to get us where we are today!
Check out this location! Isn't it a beautiful site! I just love it!!

Chowing down on an ice cream sundae at Ghirardelli Square. Yum!

After Ghirardelli Square. We were waiting in the long line for the Trolley Cars. It's a bright picture but I love it! I can't get enough of city lights! Ahhh...

The Cable Car! What a fun adventure they offer! I'm hanging off the side of the car, Sydney is on the outside bench between two sweet Asian ladies. They really liked her! The next picture is the view from the car. Morgan was taking the pictures so we didn't get any of him! Sorry! But he had fun! It was a great way to see more sights that we hadn't seen earlier in the day!

Montera Lighthouse, right outside Half Moon Bay (HMB). I beginning to share my mom's love for lighthouses. I've always liked them, but as I get older, my love for them is growing. They are so neat... A beacon in the night! This is a small one and may not be that big of a deal, but it's still cool! Of all the times I've been to HMB, I don't think I've ever visited this lighthouse- as far back as I can remember, at least!!


Miss Amanda said...

What a fun trip! You didn't confuse me by putting the last part first. What a fun idea.

To get the post hour and minute under each name, log into your blog. Select layout, add a gadget, click on blog list. You will have to re-type all of your URLs into it, but it is worth it! Let me know if you need any help!

Aunt Fay said...

Ahh... what great memories. I love the pictures. It was a great time, though definitely not enough days.

Hey! Let's do it again!

Love ya!

Bret Beede said...
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Bret Beede said...

I'm happy to know that my family is not the only Beede's that are LDS! I did a google blog search for beede, looking for a blog that my wife created and was happily surprised to see your blog. I did a double take when I saw the Scripture from Mosiah on your page. Most of the Beedes in our family tree are from back east and I really thought that we were the only LDS of the bunch. Great to see you here...and in Utah!