So, I spent way to much time fussing with my blog background that you're not getting much tonight!
I added a recipe to the side bar that I just love!!! It's so yummy, I could eat it with a spoon! But I'm pretty sure that's not the best idea since it's loaded with butter and sugar! But Mmmm... It's down-right tasty! I made note that I like the crushed pineapple- that's the only kind I've tried, but I like the way the crushed spreads over the ham. And we served it on the sliced pieces but I'm sure it would do alright on a pre-sliced, lump of ham. Anyway, this is tried and true and thoroughly enjoyed! I'm actually making a big pot of it for our ward party tomorrow night. Hopefully it goes over well!
So here's something for you... We've had an unusually mild winter so far. Temperatures in the 50's or higher, sunny skies, etc... We've had a few cold and blistery days but nothing too bad... A touch of snow, nothing stayed more than a few hours... Well, the other morning I woke up and what did I see?! WHITE!!! And lots of it! (And by lots, I mean more than I've seen all season! But probably nothing compared to what I'll see later in the season.) And it actually stayed for a day or so! I was going to take a picture but I got too caught up in getting myself ready for work- Sorry Aunt Fay! I'm starting to remember to take pictures, I'm just still forgetting to keep the camera on hand! I'm bound to get better, right?! Anyway... the snow... So, we got a cold spell after the snow so we all know what happens... ice. Well, in coming home from work today I noticed that the big ice patch that seems to collect on the walk from the carport to the front door was nearly gone! You can imagine my glee! No more thinking about each step I take so I don't fall on my bum! But alas, that glee didn't last for long because I remembered about this dreaded storm that is supposed to beat us to death this weekend! Grrr! What can I do, right?! I'm the one who chose to live in a valley that sits in the middle of two large mountain ranges that the snow seems to be drawn to! Oh well! So, I met a customer today that shares my dread for winter. In our chat about the upcoming storm, I mentioned that after 5 years you'd think I'd be used to it. His response was that after 27 years of it, he's still not used to it! There's no hope for me!! However, he gave me a better outlook on the part of winter I seem to hate the most- February, March, April, May... He said it is these early months of winter that he particularly dislikes because it is just the beginning of a long 4-5 months of blah, but that in Feb, Mar, Apr, we may still be experiencing winter, but it's almost over! I can agree with that. However, there are more distractions in the early months that can make it less of a bother; and December and Jaunary always seem to fly by so fast so I really can't decide if I fully agree with him. And in the later winter months we are supposed to be experiencing spring: the melting of giant snow piles, blooming flowers, tiny green buds of new growth that glitter the trees, birds coming back, flies (I'm only grateful for those when we first start thawing out, and that doesn't last for long!) and other things that mean warmth is just around the corner! But around here, those later months are just ugly and cold and the reality is that spring is becoming extinct! And to add to that, not much happens during that time so it seems to drag on and on and on... The truth of the matter is that I just have to deal with it! There's no winning when it comes to winter... The beginning can stink and so can the later part! And it's coming whether I want it to or not!! And honestly, the positive outlook is great until I have to trudge around in it! Then poof! It's gone!!!!
Well, my "little something" has turned into a lot of somethings! That's just seems to be the way it goes when I get on here! Hope everyone is getting excited for Christmas and handling the winter okay!! It really hasn't bothered me much so far (*knock on wood*). The things I probably dislike the most are driving in it and all aspects of the ice! The driving part worries me the most with the storm coming. I fear hitting black ice and losing control of the car. Eek! Oh! I hate the constant spread of diseases during the season! Something spread to me and I woke up this morning feeling super congested and it's been getting worse all day! Tis the season!!! But, I have tomorrow off and I couldn't be more thrilled!! I get to sleep in! Wahoo!
Happy Holidays everyone!!!
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5 years ago
Corinne, I like the new look for your blog. I have ham in the fridge right now. Maybe I will have to try out the pineapple sauce. It sounds good. We can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks. You didn't say anything about escaping the cold and coming to So Cal. You are coming, right? Nice picture of you and Morgan on your header. I think it would have been funny if Morgan wore the bride apron and you the groom one! It's always fun to change things up a little bit! Keep up the blogging, and yes, take pictures!
Yeah!! Another update! The new design is great. I could just see you slipping on the ice. Be careful! OK, I'm glad to hear that you are getting closer to taking pictures. Go outside right now and take pictures of your canal in the snow. Love ya!
I LOVE the new design...the only thing is you cant read your definition of a "bunch". anyways i cant wait to see you guys. i was wrapping your christmas present today...i think you'll really like it!!
So, you guys are now officially in California and hopefully getting a little warmer weather! I hear it's been pretty cold there though. Hopefully it'll be nice for you guys! We're missing you guys and wishing we could be there with you. I'm sure I'll talk to you later today. I just wanted to get on and say hi and tell you that we got your present in the mail!! It arrived on Christmas Eve!!!! How prefect is that!!! THANK YOU for making our day!!!! love you SO much! Talk to you soon!
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