Mosiah 2:41

"And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it."

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Just a little something...

So, I spent way to much time fussing with my blog background that you're not getting much tonight!

I added a recipe to the side bar that I just love!!! It's so yummy, I could eat it with a spoon! But I'm pretty sure that's not the best idea since it's loaded with butter and sugar! But Mmmm... It's down-right tasty! I made note that I like the crushed pineapple- that's the only kind I've tried, but I like the way the crushed spreads over the ham. And we served it on the sliced pieces but I'm sure it would do alright on a pre-sliced, lump of ham. Anyway, this is tried and true and thoroughly enjoyed! I'm actually making a big pot of it for our ward party tomorrow night. Hopefully it goes over well!

So here's something for you... We've had an unusually mild winter so far. Temperatures in the 50's or higher, sunny skies, etc... We've had a few cold and blistery days but nothing too bad... A touch of snow, nothing stayed more than a few hours... Well, the other morning I woke up and what did I see?! WHITE!!! And lots of it! (And by lots, I mean more than I've seen all season! But probably nothing compared to what I'll see later in the season.) And it actually stayed for a day or so! I was going to take a picture but I got too caught up in getting myself ready for work- Sorry Aunt Fay! I'm starting to remember to take pictures, I'm just still forgetting to keep the camera on hand! I'm bound to get better, right?! Anyway... the snow... So, we got a cold spell after the snow so we all know what happens... ice. Well, in coming home from work today I noticed that the big ice patch that seems to collect on the walk from the carport to the front door was nearly gone! You can imagine my glee! No more thinking about each step I take so I don't fall on my bum! But alas, that glee didn't last for long because I remembered about this dreaded storm that is supposed to beat us to death this weekend! Grrr! What can I do, right?! I'm the one who chose to live in a valley that sits in the middle of two large mountain ranges that the snow seems to be drawn to! Oh well! So, I met a customer today that shares my dread for winter. In our chat about the upcoming storm, I mentioned that after 5 years you'd think I'd be used to it. His response was that after 27 years of it, he's still not used to it! There's no hope for me!! However, he gave me a better outlook on the part of winter I seem to hate the most- February, March, April, May... He said it is these early months of winter that he particularly dislikes because it is just the beginning of a long 4-5 months of blah, but that in Feb, Mar, Apr, we may still be experiencing winter, but it's almost over! I can agree with that. However, there are more distractions in the early months that can make it less of a bother; and December and Jaunary always seem to fly by so fast so I really can't decide if I fully agree with him. And in the later winter months we are supposed to be experiencing spring: the melting of giant snow piles, blooming flowers, tiny green buds of new growth that glitter the trees, birds coming back, flies (I'm only grateful for those when we first start thawing out, and that doesn't last for long!) and other things that mean warmth is just around the corner! But around here, those later months are just ugly and cold and the reality is that spring is becoming extinct! And to add to that, not much happens during that time so it seems to drag on and on and on... The truth of the matter is that I just have to deal with it! There's no winning when it comes to winter... The beginning can stink and so can the later part! And it's coming whether I want it to or not!! And honestly, the positive outlook is great until I have to trudge around in it! Then poof! It's gone!!!!

Well, my "little something" has turned into a lot of somethings! That's just seems to be the way it goes when I get on here! Hope everyone is getting excited for Christmas and handling the winter okay!! It really hasn't bothered me much so far (*knock on wood*). The things I probably dislike the most are driving in it and all aspects of the ice! The driving part worries me the most with the storm coming. I fear hitting black ice and losing control of the car. Eek! Oh! I hate the constant spread of diseases during the season! Something spread to me and I woke up this morning feeling super congested and it's been getting worse all day! Tis the season!!! But, I have tomorrow off and I couldn't be more thrilled!! I get to sleep in! Wahoo!

Happy Holidays everyone!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


This is the first Halloween in my entire life (to my knowledge) that I have not dressed! I had absolutely NO Halloween spirit whatsoever! How sad is that?! At work they allow us to dress up for the festivities! In the past, it was always the day before and the day of. I would always get way into it. Usually doing two costumes: the first day would be an easy costume (hula girl, witch, etc...) and the day of would be the outfit that took careful planning (cowboy with gunshot wounds to the face, pirate, Garth from Wayne's World {my co-worker was Wayne}, fancier or scarier witch, Cardinals fan that got beaten, literally {year of the Red Sox vs. Yankees World Series... good game!!} etc...) This year... NADA! I didn't feel any festiveness at all! I usually decorate my department, too. But even that got neglected. Poor store! But I think these are the reasons for my lack of festiveness: I am trying to find a new employee for my department and until I get one I don't get a day off if my Saturday help can't work a Saturday (which has already happened a couple times), I had two weddings and a funeral the weekend of Halloween, on top of that, the lack of help has added many more hours to my week, oh, did I mention that I'm cranky about hiring someone new? I liked my former girl and didn't/don't like the fact that she had to leave me but at the same time, I understand why she had to go. Bitter sweet... Also, the two weddings were quite large for what I'm used to! And they were both for Saturday, the 1st, and were being picked up in the morning. You can imagine my stress! All that, and getting off work at 8:15pm on Halloween, lead to no desire to get festive! The fun part of the day were the Trick or Treaters! The store invites youngsters from all over to come to the store and ToT at every department. That has to be the best part of the day! All the cute little kids in their costumes learning that the traditional magic word "please" doesn't work on this day, but the real magic words are "trick or treat"... and "thank you" still applies!! There were some pretty cute costumes! My favorites were probably the little babies bundled up in their fuzzy monkey, turtle, bunny, lamb, lion, doggie, etc... It just makes you want to snuggle with them. Funny story... my co-worker had her husband bring their baby girl in- she was a fuzzy lamb with pink hands and feet (adorable). While there, some friends from their ward came in with their baby boy... he was a lion... Get it?! The Lion and the Lamb... they were so incredibly cute! Where was the camera when we needed it! Anyway... Morgan's work, Maceys grocery store, allows dressing up as well. He didn't want to be festive either! How pathetic are we?! The most unfestive ever!! Oh well! There's always next year! But there's good news... I promise to be festive for Thanksgiving and Christmas! Can't wait!! As a matter of fact, I get to start my Christmas festivities next week! I start decorating the store with fancy trees and garlands for our Holiday food show on the 15th (we show and sample all sorts of holiday goodies giving people more ideas and inadvertently encouraging them to buy more... HA HA HA!!! j/k :-) ) Hooray for holiday festiveness!
Well, I'm getting tired, so I think it's time to quit! Hope everything is going well for you! At the end of my last blog my goal was to have a new post on here in less than a month... check out the dates... I'm five days shy of a month!!! Wahoo! Congratulations to me!! Maybe next time it'll be 10 days shy of a month... Hmmm! That might be pushing it!!! Aufwiedersehen...

Friday, October 10, 2008

I'm Fired!!!

Well, I have NOT been fired from my job, however, I feel I ought to fire myself from attempting to be a blogger! I'm terrible at this, and I must apologize for my short comings! But here's my thing, when I get on the computer, I have a tendency to be on for a long, long time! I get lost in cyberworld! My solution, I avoid the computer! Leading to my failures as a blogger! It's a vicious cycle! My other problem, I'm not a super fast typer so that takes longer, also deterring me from my blog. And yet another problem, I'm very particular, at least I try to be particular, about my wording and grammar. In which case, I put a lot of time into what I write. Leading to the "long, long time" spent on the computer. Vicious, vicious cycle! Oh! here's one more problem to add: I don't feel like we lead the most exciting lives to blog about! Work, school, work, school... BORING!! I'm just laughing at myself as I write this... yet another issue, if something exciting does happen, we never have a camera to document it cuz the batteries are usually dead!!!
**I know some of you are laughing at the word "cuz" and a link to the comment I just made about my particular notice of wording and grammar... but that is one word I don't care about- as far as I'm concerned, it's in the Dictionary of Corinne and that's good enough for me!! Besides, it's so much easier than writing "because" all the time! Too formal for me!**
Back to my excuses... I have no more, at least not at the moment!! So here's to our not so exciting lives...
Morgan is in school and working. He's taking Math 1050, Chemistry 1220 and Human Physiology. Yikes! Yeah, it's been a rough semester for me! ME, you ask? Yes, I'm the one suffering here!! I never see him anymore! It's a hard knock life for me!! When there are no classes and no work, he's usually on campus studying. However, I am very proud of his dedication to studying. And very impressed! I am trying really hard to be supportive and encouraging, but I find it difficult, A LOT! If I were him, I'd cave... fast! But he's doing a great job. So far, he's made good grades on some very difficult tests. All as a result of his hard work and diligence! Not a bad beginning to the semester! And how sad is this, we've already figured out how long till the end of the semester!
We are super excited for the holidays! The plans: Thanksgiving with the Beede Family and Christmas with the Jenkins Family. And somewhere around Christmas we'll make our way to Vernal to have more Beede time! I can't wait for all the family time and festivities!!! We haven't been to Cali since we got married... almost a year!!! Can you believe it? I can't! This is the longest time I've spent away from home and it has been very, very HARD! My only survival has been Morgan, Tanna & Jeremy and the kids and Morgan's family in Vernal! I'm glad to have his family close. It's still far enough away that it really is a vacation when we go and a whole lot more feasible than trekin' to California. And, luckily, we've had the opportunity to go to Vernal a few times this year. And I LOVE living like 2 miles from J& T! It's great! The kids are my pick-me-up on bad days (when Morg isn't here) and when I'm bored (consequently, also when he's not here). And Morgan... he's my lifesaver, my biggest pick-me-up! I just love him!! Family is great... Life's greatest blessing!
So Christmas... I've have already started the Christmas shopping... not just for me!! hehe! I figured with all the time I have on my hands, with Morg being gone a lot, I should get a head start. It's so fun! But that's all I'll say about the gifts... no hints!! And I do have to say that it has got me so stinkin' excited for the holidays. I can't wait to decorate and bake and listen to the fun music and decorate and eat festive treats and decorate!! Ooo! I can't wait! The one big thing I could do without is the snow, which I hate to say, is coming this weekend! Eek! Enough about that, it makes me cranky!! Well, some things I am enjoying about the change in seasons are the fall colors. They are so pretty! The leaves changing, the crisp air, the pumpkins, my sweatshirts- I love them, the Corn Maze, ahh... Autumn! We went to the corn maze on Wednesday with our friends and had so much fun! It made me really want corn though! Anyway, Fall is great!
Well, that's the latest on us. My apologies for not updating regularly. Hope all is well with everyone! My goal is to be back in less than a month... Baby steps...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Where do I start???

Okay, I am so ashamed of myself! I can't believe it's been so long since I've updated this! My excuse is the weather and Morgan's work schedule!!! Over the past couple months, the weather has changed DRASTICALLY!!! We've gone from freezing our buns off to roasting like turkey's on Thanksgiving!!! We seem to be out and about enjoying the higher temps more than staying inside the house. Although, we do enjoy some nights inside where we have the luxury of a nice, cold Air Conditioner!!! Another plus to summertime is that Morgan is working more morning shifts rather than night shifts. He's working tonight, which is why I am actually spending time on the computer!

So, I am going to try to not make this too long of a post, but there seem to be lots of updates so I'll do my best. First, my girls night, including slumber party, with Sydney... We had a blast! We got all dressed up, Tanna even gave Sydney a special hairdo! We loved the play- Syd had so many questions about the play! She wasn't the biggest fan of the Beast when he was unhappy, but she was so excited when he was nice! And she loved Belle's yellow dress. She kept asking me when she was going to wear it! After the play we got to meet Belle, Gaston, Mrs. Potts, Luigi and Coggsworth (and a few more, I think) I have to say, Luigi and Coggsworth were definitely my favorite characters! They were hilarious!!! Syd and I had a late night full of fun! She will tell you we stayed up till 10:50 (way past her bedtime)- she was so excited, she payed special attention to the exact time she went to bad! The next morning we, with Morgan, got up earlyish and made a yummy waffle breakfast for the rest of her family. Even Jeremy came over! That's a special treat for us, since he's usually up and working early in the morning! Our girls night turned out to be a big success!!

The month of May was nuts, but I survived!!! Hooray that it's over!!! As an end to May and a kickoff to our summer, Morgan and I made a fun purchase... We our now the proud owners of a brand spankin' new Bar-B-Que!!! It's all shiny and pretty and we are loving it!

The beginning of June brought us summer! Wahoo! June 7th was a fun day! My good friend, Sterling Fife, was sealed to Alex Hogge in the Logan Temple. Morgan and I got to attend their sealing. It was wonderful! It was especially nice since we haven't been to a sealing since our own. Marriage is so important and it's always good to have a refresher course on how to have to best relationship with your spouse. I also had the opportunity to do their flowers! Alex loves Gerbera Daisies and her colors were a light/medium pink and a hot pink! Those colors and those flowers equals were super cute!!! We used a bed of white Hydrangeas and tucked in lots of gerbs, in the 2 colors, in her bouquet. The white background made the gerbs pop! Then we used hot pink gerbs for all the corsages and boutonnieres! Simple designs but so incredibly fun!! Congrats Sterling and Alex! Thanks for including us in your festivities and giving me the opportunity to do your flowers! We had a blast! And thank you especially for your friendship- it means so much to us!

The one downfall to that weekend was that I got sick! What a way to start out the summer! Luckily, it didn't last that long! And I owe most of that to Emergen-C! When I am sick, I live for it! It makes me feel so much better and kicks the cold so much faster! Thank you, Mom, for recommending it to me!

With summer here, Morgan has been itchin' to be outside- camping especially, but also fishing! He has some fishing equipment, but I don't have any! So we went shopping and bought me a fishin' pole and a 365 day fishing license!! I am actually really excited to own it! I love fishing, it's so relaxing, and yet exhilarating... that is, when you catch something!! I've been out a few times, Morgan more than me, and we've loved it! We are going to Vernal this weekend and are planning to go fishing on the Green River. I just hope we catch something there!

So, as you can see, June has already turned out to be a busy month! But wait, there's more! Sunday, June 22 was Morgan's 23rd birthday. Happy Birthday to you!!! We wanted to go somewhere different than the usual Layton, Ogden, Salt Lake, etc... So we decided on Jackson Hole, Wyoming! The Wednesday before his birthday we ventured out for our day trip to the Hole!We ate lunch when we got there, hit up all the shops- we were on the hunt for sweatshirts! While on the hunt we ran into a funny sign on the side of the street... We took the old fashioned pictures- one day I'll try to scan it in so you can see it! We watched a pretend gun show in the middle of the street- too many people, so no pictures! We fancied ourselves to a horse drawn carriage ride (it looked like the old Wells Fargo wagon)
And ate super tasty Hagen Daz ice cream! And of course, we took the traditional pictures with the famous antler arch!
On our way home, we took a small detour to Freedom, WY. All I have to say is beautiful country!!! Okay, so I have more to say! But really, it is beautiful! Freedom is where my Grandpa (Papa) grew up and is buried. It was so nice to go back and visit. The sun was setting as we got there and cast the most beautiful glow on the hills. I only wish I had snapped a picture of it. All in all, we had a great day!! It was just too bad that we couldn't stay another day! Oh well, we'll just have to go back again! Well, there's more to say, but it's late and I'm so done with the computer! We don't get along very well... I've already gotten really frustrated with it tonight! I guess I should quit while I'm ahead! I'll be back soon... that's a promise! It's my goal to stay on top of this thing... I'll believe myself when it happens!!!! hehe!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Grumpy, Sleepy, Dopey, Doc, sometimes Happy and not so much Bashful or Sneezy!!!

Those are the emotions I am feeling these days! May is a horrible month for me, as a florist. It starts out with Mother's Day, then the local high schools Senior Prom, then Seminary Graduation right before the super busy Memorial Day weekend, just days after that we have the local High Schools Graduations and to top it off, our store does a summer food show where we exhibit and sample a whole lot of our specialties. All of which require tons of preparation, stress and lots of hours at the store! Needless to say, I hate May!!! And it makes for no time to update this! Sorry! But, the good news is I'm two-thirds done with the month!! Hooray!! Two events down, three to go!! All in all, I feel like most of the Seven Dwarfs from Snow White. Work makes me "Grumpy" and "Sleepy". I feel like I have a pharmacy in my purse- Aleve with no food causes owies in the stomach, prescription to fix that, work stressing my fingers, prescription to temporarily fix that. "Dopey"... well, with the stress of work, my assistants and I have to find ways to make our days go better- we find ourselves acting a little dopey... professional, but dopey!! We laugh, we joke, we're sarcastic with each other- we have to make it as bearable as possible! And, yes, "Happy" is in there. It's more if a struggle these days but I'm trying as best as I can. Thank goodness for a good husband to come home to and for family gatherings! My family will be joining us this weekend for the blessing of my nephew, Austin Blaine Jenkins (Jeremy and Tanna's new baby). The bad news is that Memorial Day is this weekend so I'll be super busy. But at least we'll get to see them! That makes me "Happy"! That only leaves "Bashful" and "Sneezy". Now that I'm married I don't get bashful much, hooray for that! And I'm super grateful that I'm not feeling "Sneezy", that would make everything so much worse! So, that's an update of what's been going on with me! All the meanwhile, Morgan has been super supportive and comforting. He listens to all my complaining and has been taking good care of me! And he's really enjoying being out of school for the summer! I think after this month we'll both be ready for a vacation!!! Any suggestions??? One of these days I'll back track and update on the girls night to Beauty and the Beast! Readers Digest version goes something like this: We had a blast!!! Till next time...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Jackson Jonathan Beede


I've been wanting to put pictures up of the latest Beede addition, but when we were in Vernal, I forgot to take pictures! Luckily his dad posted some pictures on Facebook so I copied them to post here! He was born in the beginning of April- I completely forgot the exact day. I know it was right before we went to Vernal and we were there the following weekend, so my educated guess puts it on the 3rd!! He's a cute little thing!
We visited them in the hospital and there we couldn't tell who he looked like, but these pictures give him away!! I think, anyway! I see mostly Jon and a little Jenna in these pictures!! Check him out!

We saw this as we were leaving town. Jon works for Pepsi and I think he used to work with Wendy's somehow! Whatever the case may be, someone there want to congratulate them!


Saturday, April 26, 2008

Girls Night

It's been a while.... Sorry!!!
But I have some super exciting news... no, I'm not pregnant... I have a date, on Friday, with my cute little niece Sydney! We are going to see the play Beauty and the Beast!!!!! I can't wait, I think I am more excited than her. Actually, I know I am! I don't think she knew what I was talking about when I told her where I was taking her! However, she did know about the building where the play is- she's been there before. I've been looking forward to this day for a long, long, long, long time!!! I learned about this play before the actors were even picked for the parts... the bakery manager, where I work, is the owner of the production company putting on the performance! I get to hear all about the productions he's doing and he's always honest about how the actors are doing. i.e. with the last show, he had no problems telling me that the singing wasn't bad, but not the best he had heard and the dancing was definitely not the strong point! This show he is excited at how well they are doing. He said that everyone is doing so well with the choreography, the costumes are phenomenal and some of the best voices he's worked with. Can you imagine my excitement?! I'm oozing with it!!! One fact about the costumes, Belle's big yellow dress is complete with schwarovski? (I can't remember the exact name, but it's something funky like that!) crystals! Expensive, I hear! Making it sparkly and extra princessy! How fun!!! Anyway, I asked Tanna to help get Sydney excited, so she said she'd read the story to her! I hope she gets as excited as me!!! We'll see! Oh, and to continue our girls night, we will be having a sleepover at my house with a delicious breakfast in the morning!! ...Morgan and the rest of the gang (Tanna, Jeremy and kids) are invited!!! I'll keep you posted... Ooo! One more thing, we will be dressing up in our best for the big night... extra girly!!! Oh! I could squeal, I'm so excited!

Monday, April 14, 2008


I thought this looked like fun... I never usually do things like this, but the alphabet made it look more exciting than the traditional email forwards I get!!! So, I figured, why not?! Thanks for tagging me, Shakirra!

A- attached or single: very much... ATTACHED!!!
B- best friend: my hubby, of course! And Shakirra, Sterling, Elle, Cami... to name a few!
C- cake or pie: Oooo, yummy! Oh, right! Pie... Mom's apple pie or french silk, ooo, or that Caramel pecan chocolate silk yumminess from Village Inn (Utah's version of Denny's)
D- day of choice: Any day off, usually Wednesdays but Sunday is always good- work can't call me!!
E- Essential item: chapstick and earrings- I always thought that those people who always carried and used chapstick were weird... now I'm one of them! It's always in the right pocket pf my pants! And I feel NAKED if I don't have earrings in... I know, I'm weird!
F- favorite color: GREEEEEN... green car, clothes, iPOD, eyes, blog, binder, wedding, maybe even a green phone tomorrow... hmmm...
G- gummy bears or worms: tiny gummy bears, in ice cream from Cold Stone, worms in that fun flower pot dessert, yumm... I think I'm hungry
H- hometown: Camarillo
I- indulgence(s): I have lots! Air-popped popcorn, for one- yum! gummy watermelon slices, caramel squares- I stocked up after Halloween!!!
J- January or July: JULY for sure!!! My favorite holiday is the 4th of July! Partay!!!
K- kids: is that asking if I like them? YES- do I have any? NO- do I want any? YES, someday...
L- life is incomplete without: the Gospel, Morgan, Family, Friends, FOOD, Water, of course! Notice no mention of work, hmmm...
M- marriage date: December 28th, 2007, yes, still a newlywed... when exactly are you not considered a newlywed???
N- number of siblings: 4- 2 sisters and 2 brothers
O- oranges or apples: Well, preferably neither- I like Strawberries (California girl!) BUT I do enjoy a Pink Lady apple and I really like oranges if someone else peels them, what a mess!!! Ooo, mix them all together and you have a fantastic fruit salad... hmmm...
P- phobias or fears: my house burning down, but lets not go there- it terrifies me
Q- quote(s): "You look like a fine little helper, what's your name?"
R- reason to smile: I am married to the most wonderful man!!! And, I have yummy enchilada waiting for me downstairs, oh! and the sun is shining- it got in the 70's today! Now that's cause for a big ol' smile!
S- season: Spring- the snow is melting, Summer- there is NO snow! and I love warm thunder and lightening storms, Fall- all the colors
T- tag five: I think i only have 5 friends on here! So, Lindsay, Anie, Christy, Ellie and Amanda! But don't worry, I won't be offended if I don't see this on your blog! I almost didn't do it!
U- unknown fact about me: I can't think of anything so it must be unknown to me, too!!
V- vegetarian or oppressor of animal: CARNIVORE- I may not be able to eat very much meat at one time, but I definitely can't go without it!
W- worst habit: I doubt it's my worst, but I am terribly at keeping in touch with my family and friends. I'm so bad at calling them- they usually have to call me first. Sorry!!!
X- x-rays or ultrasounds: hmm, I've never had an xray, although it does sound fascinating! I have had an ultrasound (not for pregnancy), and it too was fascinating. It's cool to get a non-painful glimpse of what's inside of you!!!
Y- your favorite food group: Breads!!! Hmmm, YUM!!! is it a part if the wheat and grain group?
Z- zodiac: Aries

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Quarter of a Century... Hmmm...

So, yesterday I celebrated my 25th birthday... I had some hesitations about reaching this milestone- feelings of agedness, mostly! But as it came and went, I feel no different. Which I've decided is a good thing! Anyway, Morgan and I decided we wanted to do something fun for the weekend. We thought about staying and playing in Salt Lake, but with it being Conference weekend we opted to stay away from the chaos! Not to mention, big weekends in SLC always mean jacked up prices! So we got to thinking of other "exotic destinations" and came up with visiting the family in Vernal! It all started on Friday night when we first stopped in Bountiful for Morgan's Switzerland Zurich Mission reunion. It was most enjoyable! It's fun to put faces to the names in all his stories! From there, we headed on to Vernal, almost 3 hours from Bountiful. We got there at about 2 in the morning and crashed! Saturday we got a late start but really enjoyed the time off! We went and saw his brother, Jonathan, wife, Jenna and there day old baby boy, Jackson Jonathan Beede! He's a cute little thing! The poor little guy had to have the suction used to get him out so he has a perfectly round tattoo looking spot on the back of his head! Apparently he came out with a conehead, too! But by the time we saw him, it didn't look bad at all! He should turn out just fine! Although, that "tattoo" will stick around for a while turning into all the different shades of a bruise. But other than that, he's great! I'm kicking myself for not taking any pictures, though. I completely forgot- I was distracted by his cuteness!
Later that night, the men gathered and went to the Priesthood session of Conference while the women and kids gathered for pizza, brownies and a girl time!! It was really fun to bond with my new in-laws! Every time we've been to Vernal we've always done family nights so I've spent lots of time with them, but this time was different with just the girls. It was nice getting to know them better! The guys joined us later that night after their traditional "after Conference dinner"- this year they went to Golden Corral.
Sunday we watched Conference, were interuppted by the Carbon Monoxide alarms going off, had to have a Questar Gas guy come and find the problem (turns out it was the oven) and had a family (birthday) party for me and Danielle, Morgan's sister, who had a birthday a week before mine! It was lots of fun! Morgan got me a Waring Pro Belgian Waffle Iron. One of those fun ones that after you close it, you flip it! And it cooks them perfectly!! So fun! I hated my old one so I can't wait to use this one! And he got me this super cute brown purse. I only have black ones so now I have something to go with my brown-based outfits!!
So, Monday was the actual birthday. It was a good day! Morgan and I had money at True Value, from the wedding, so we went shopping and got some things for the house. Then we went out for lunch, where we both ended up ordering breakfast... is that still considered lunch?? Anyway, we then packed up and started our journey home! Oh, but the night didn't end there... we went to see the movie, 21. It was a pretty good flick. I quite enjoyed it! Then it was back to reality... for a day!! Tomorrow, Tanna and I are taking the kids to the Dinosaur Park in Ogden. I normally would've worked on Wednesday since I took Monday off, but I decided to keep my normal day off (Wed) and play with Tanna and the kids! So, I think I'm done for the night!! That was my super exciting, super fun birthday weekend! So I didn't make it a more exciting post, but I thought I should report! Oh, and thank you to all who called, text or wrote and wished me a happy birthday! I enjoyed every bit of it! Hopefully I'll remember to take pictures of our fun day tomorrow so I can post something more exciting! Thanks again!!!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Hip Hip Hooray!!!

We knew this day would come, we just didn't know when. But it's here, Baby Boy Jenkins (BBJ) has been given a name... drum roll (use your imagination- it makes it more fun!) please... His name is Austin Blaine Jenkins... take notice to the initials- just like his Grandpa Owie (Allen Bailey Jenkins) That is merely coincidence, but still fun. I'm sure they'll grow up to be great friends! I love the name Austin- I've always wanted to name a boy that- but after Morgan and I got engaged he shot that dream into oblivion when he informed me that he has 2 nephews named Austin!! There goes that idea- that would just confuse Grandma and Grandpa Beede a little too much! Luckily it wasn't the end of the world, it just gave me something new to think about... names I like that go with Beede- Austin went so well with Beede, too... Hmmm! Oh well! Anyway, I'm just excited that I get to be so close as to enjoy it with the Jenkins Family! He is such a sweet baby and a blessing in all our lives. I look forward to watching him grow into a little man... Just like his older brothers! Well, now we can all give a sigh of relief knowing that Austin won't grow up thinking that his name is Baby!!
Oh, and Dad, starting the cradle now wouldn't be such a bad idea- it'll give you PLENTY of time to work on it. Then you won't have to work under so much pressure!! :-) For all of you who may not have understood that blurp, my Dad builds a beautiful wood cradle for each of his kids when they announce they are expecting their first child. Well, Dad usually gets started a little late into the pregnancy and then ends up spending many evenings in the shop working on it so it'll be done in time- my poor mom, she hardly sees him! So, Dad posted a comment asking if he should start building the cradle and that was my reply! I'm not pregnant, but don't you worry, I'll let you know when it happens! For now, Austin fills any baby cravings I have!!! Thanks Tanna! Well, that's all for now! Have a wonderful day, friends and family!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Da-Duh-Da-Da... (Wedding March... if you didn't catch that!!!)

Apparently we aren't the most exciting people cuz I'm struggling with things to put on here... But alas! I had an epiphany! Wedding pictures! Actually I've been intending on putting those pictures on here, but the thing is that I really don't have any on our computer, just our enagagements. Here's where the epiphany comes in... I have the link to the website that has all the pics our photographer, Megan Hook (who is amazing, I might add), took! I also have the link to her business website that I really like cuz I feel privileged to have been added to it! So fun! Anyway, enjoy! And one of these days I'll decorate this thing with fun pics!

Link to all our pictures:

Link to Megan's website:

Saturday, March 29, 2008


So, I forgot a pretty important detail... That's my nephew!!! By the name, clearly he's not mine... But I thought I'd clarify anyway!!!! :-) He's the son of my brother, Jeremy, and his wife, Tanna.

Baby Boy Jenkins

He's so precious... I just couldn't resist taking pictures of him! See more below...

Aunt Fay and I really, really wanted him to open his eyes... this was all we could get!

So far, this is my favorite of BBJ (Baby Boy Jenkins)! Check out those lips... some girl will love kissing those someday!!! He was snuggling with his daddy... So cute!


We did it! We took the plunge and entered the world of blogging! And I have to say, I'm a little lost... Anyone have a map?!? It is my goal to become as good as my sister, Lindsay and my sister-in-law, Anie. I love checking out their updates and seeing their creativity shining through such fun blogs!! So, please be patient as I fugure out this whole new world!!