Meet our Nikon Coolpix p90 So, we may have had this for 3 months now, but we still have a lot to learn! We are still trying to figure out which settings are the best for different lighting and locations and such! So, if anyone has any helpful tips, please pass them along, thank you!
This is a picture of our first outing with her. We went to see the lights on Temple Square and it was foggy- bum deal! However, I think the fog added a cool effect! Everything had this amazing glow!
I love this Nativity scene. I think it is just beautiful! And having it in the reflecting pool makes it so much more spectacular! And the fog, Heavenly... Merry Christmas to us!
*Does anyone know why I can't get that area to not act like a link? I started typing and that is what it looked like- I DON'T LIKE IT! And this is one more reason why I don't blog very often... Grr!