This is the first Halloween in my entire life (to my knowledge) that I have not dressed! I had absolutely NO Halloween spirit whatsoever! How sad is that?! At work they allow us to dress up for the festivities! In the past, it was always the day before and the day of. I would always get way into it. Usually doing two costumes: the first day would be an easy costume (hula girl, witch, etc...) and the day of would be the outfit that took careful planning (cowboy with gunshot wounds to the face, pirate, Garth from Wayne's World {my co-worker was Wayne}, fancier or scarier witch, Cardinals fan that got beaten, literally {year of the Red Sox vs. Yankees World Series... good game!!} etc...) This year... NADA! I didn't feel any festiveness at all! I usually decorate my department, too. But even that got neglected. Poor store! But I think these are the reasons for my lack of festiveness: I am trying to find a new employee for my department and until I get one I don't get a day off if my Saturday help can't work a Saturday (which has already happened a couple times), I had two weddings and a funeral the weekend of Halloween, on top of that, the lack of help has added many more hours to my week, oh, did I mention that I'm cranky about hiring someone new? I liked my former girl and didn't/don't like the fact that she had to leave me but at the same time, I understand why she had to go. Bitter sweet... Also, the two weddings were quite large for what I'm used to! And they were both for Saturday, the 1st, and were being picked up in the morning. You can imagine my stress! All that, and getting off work at 8:15pm on Halloween, lead to no desire to get festive! The fun part of the day were the Trick or Treaters! The store invites youngsters from all over to come to the store and ToT at every department. That has to be the best part of the day! All the cute little kids in their costumes learning that the traditional magic word "please" doesn't work on this day, but the real magic words are "trick or treat"... and "thank you" still applies!! There were some pretty cute costumes! My favorites were probably the little babies bundled up in their fuzzy monkey, turtle, bunny, lamb, lion, doggie, etc... It just makes you want to snuggle with them. Funny story... my co-worker had her husband bring their baby girl in- she was a fuzzy lamb with pink hands and feet (adorable). While there, some friends from their ward came in with their baby boy... he was a lion... Get it?! The Lion and the Lamb... they were so incredibly cute! Where was the camera when we needed it! Anyway... Morgan's work, Maceys grocery store, allows dressing up as well. He didn't want to be festive either! How pathetic are we?! The most unfestive ever!! Oh well! There's always next year! But there's good news... I promise to be festive for Thanksgiving and Christmas! Can't wait!! As a matter of fact, I get to start my Christmas festivities next week! I start decorating the store with fancy trees and garlands for our Holiday food show on the 15th (we show and sample all sorts of holiday goodies giving people more ideas and inadvertently encouraging them to buy more... HA HA HA!!! j/k :-) ) Hooray for holiday festiveness!
Well, I'm getting tired, so I think it's time to quit! Hope everything is going well for you! At the end of my last blog my goal was to have a new post on here in less than a month... check out the dates... I'm five days shy of a month!!! Wahoo! Congratulations to me!! Maybe next time it'll be 10 days shy of a month... Hmmm! That might be pushing it!!! Aufwiedersehen...
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