Those are the emotions I am feeling these days! May is a horrible month for me, as a florist. It starts out with Mother's Day, then the local high schools Senior Prom, then Seminary Graduation right before the super busy Memorial Day weekend, just days after that we have the local High Schools Graduations and to top it off, our store does a summer food show where we exhibit and sample a whole lot of our specialties. All of which require tons of preparation, stress and lots of hours at the store! Needless to say, I hate May!!! And it makes for no time to update this! Sorry! But, the good news is I'm two-thirds done with the month!! Hooray!! Two events down, three to go!! All in all, I feel like most of the Seven Dwarfs from Snow White. Work makes me "Grumpy" and "Sleepy". I feel like I have a pharmacy in my purse- Aleve with no food causes owies in the stomach, prescription to fix that, work stressing my fingers, prescription to temporarily fix that. "Dopey"... well, with the stress of work, my assistants and I have to find ways to make our days go better- we find ourselves acting a little dopey... professional, but dopey!! We laugh, we joke, we're sarcastic with each other- we have to make it as bearable as possible! And, yes, "Happy" is in there. It's more if a struggle these days but I'm trying as best as I can. Thank goodness for a good husband to come home to and for family gatherings! My family will be joining us this weekend for the blessing of my nephew, Austin Blaine Jenkins (Jeremy and Tanna's new baby). The bad news is that Memorial Day is this weekend so I'll be super busy. But at least we'll get to see them! That makes me "Happy"! That only leaves "Bashful" and "Sneezy". Now that I'm married I don't get bashful much, hooray for that! And I'm super grateful that I'm not feeling "Sneezy", that would make everything so much worse! So, that's an update of what's been going on with me! All the meanwhile, Morgan has been super supportive and comforting. He listens to all my complaining and has been taking good care of me! And he's really enjoying being out of school for the summer! I think after this month we'll both be ready for a vacation!!! Any suggestions??? One of these days I'll back track and update on the girls night to Beauty and the Beast! Readers Digest version goes something like this: We had a blast!!! Till next time...